The Images Page

Macbeth Meets the Three Witches

This event is important because the witches plant the idea of Macbeth becoming kind, inside Macbeth's mind. If he did not think he was to become king he would not have committed the murders.

Planning the Murder

This scene is important because it shows that, originaly, Macbeth was a good and loyal general. He is turned however by his wife manipulating him to kill Duncan. This also shows that Lady Macbeth is as evil as Macbeth is.

The Murder of King Duncan

This scene shows that Macbeth is normal and is not even able to finnish his plan of blaming the murder on the guards. This makes Lady Macbeth rise up and finnish Macbeth's job.

The Ghost of Banquo

In this scene, Banquo haunts Macbeth. This shows that Macbeth is going insane, because no one else can see Banquo. He also talks to Banquo in front of all his royal quests.

Macbeth Sits Sadly on the Throne

In this image, Macbeth is sitting on the throne that he so desperatly wanted to sit upon. Like the story, the picture shows that even though he has achived the throne, he is not happy.


When Lady Macbeth sleep walks, it clearly shows that she is insane and highly guilty of what she has done. It shows she is guilty of her actions, because she is constantly thinking of the murder of Duncan, because she is trying to get the "blood" off of her hands. She also sleep talks about the crimes she has committed.

The Walking Birnam Forrest

In the scene where Birnam Wood "walks" it shows that the witches had always planned that Macbeth's kingdom would rebell against him. This shows that the devil works for no one, and is always tricking people.

Macbeth vs Macduff

This scene shows two men who have now both lost their everything. Macduff has lost his family, while Macbeth has now lost his wife and his kingdom. Yet even though they have lost everything, they continue to fight. Macduff fights for justice while Macbeth is now fighting to save his own skin. In the end, the ignorant Macbeth realizes that the witches have tricked him, and that it was always planned for Macduff to win their duel.

The Death of Macbeth

After Macbeth's death, Malcom is able to take back his family's throne and restore order into Scotland.